Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Why am I possessed by a song I haven't heard in years?

I woke up this morning with a song just eating my head and I really can't figure it out.
I had no idea I even knew the lyrics to this song....I mean my god it's a Barry Manilow song (Cameron stop laughing) Manilow and I are a bit oil and waterish. Just give my songs here a listen and you'll get an idea of what my tastes are like but here I am with this song just STUCK in my head.

which song?

"Ready to take a chance"

Not even one of his big obnoxious ones...just a little obnoxious one...

Either the universe is sending me a message or I'm having some sort of pre-senility brain misfire

Every now and then some of the odd bits of knowledge break loose and float up to the surface and frequently it's songs I'm pretty used to that ...but....Manilow?

How did I learn the lyrics and tune to a Manilow song?

I always scream and change the station at the first note...but here it is..in it's entire syrup coated glory in my head....on automatic repeat - full orchestra

What the hell?

It makes the day a bit more surreal.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe your unconscious is trying to communicate with you -- listen to the lyrics closely. Is there something you need to hear?
