Sunday, September 27, 2009

life lessons...

I've been having a lot of them lately. Mostly for the good.

Events have certainly left me with food for thought and a list of things to change/work on.

Evidently gender identity is going to be a theme for a bit now. Not my own. I've always been very firmly female - despite having a tendancy towards being treated 'like one of the guys'. But it seems like people are crossing my life who are ...out of synch inside with outsides. A good friend visited this weekend. She and her husband are in town for a Trans convention.  She came and hung out with me for part of the time while he went and played. I was impressed by the grace that she handled the situation with. They've been open and honest with one another from day one which seems to be the key to everything that's worth a damn.

I don't truly understand what it's like being boredom it's kind of an alien concept to me. I know that it's there and that it's huge...but all I can really do is offer sympathy and open minded love to those in my life who are fighting this inner battle.  I don't have an inner baseline that I can use to truly empathize through (being treated like one of the guys..uhhhhhhhh is nowhere even on the same realm as being born physically one sex but inwardly knowing that you're the other)  It really does boggle me that folks have to deal with something so enormous and yet so ....simple. I've felt out of whack with the world around me..but never within myself.  It's tough enough dealing with day to day problems and old ghosts. I can't begin to imagine what a stone cold bitch it would be to be stuck in the wrong body. The transgendered people who have crossed my life's path this turn of the wheel have my utmost respect and awe over the grace that they deal with life with.  All I can really offer them is my ear and unconditional love.'s all good..y'all would be among my favorite beings even if you were totally neuter and bright purple with lime spots.

The other theme is change and acceptance. Change the things you can....accept the things you can't. The trick is figuring out the difference.

Some kind of switch flipped over in my head on thursday...not sure what it was but I've become strangely peaceful. Evidently some sort of mental and emotional wall was pushed through. I have to admit as odd as this peace feels I much prefer it to the emotional tossing and turning that I was doing.

I have some plans and goals now...that always helps me. I think it's that Marine upbringing.
Target acquired....go and do.... OooRah.

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